Welcome Party for New Students and their Families: Monday, August 21

Enjoy music and BBQ while you meet teachers and tour the campus, just in time for the first day of school!

On Monday, August 21st, at 5:00 p.m., we will be hosting a beginning of the year party in the amphitheater to welcome our new TK/K through 8th grade students. There will be an outdoor BBQ, music, and a tour of the campus.

This is an anxious time for our new TK/K parents, so this will be a great time to meet your child’s teacher, the components of the TK/K day, see the classrooms, and get your questions answered.

8th grade student leaders will be on-site to provide tours and answer questions about SES.

Parent Letter August 2023

New Students – 1st through 8th Grade:

  • 5:00 – 6:00 pm BBQ & Orientation
    All activities are happening in the Amphitheater!
    Campus tours available as requested.

New Students – TK/K:

  • 5:30 pm Meet & Greet
    Report to your child’s classroom for a meet and greet with the teacher.
    Classroom placement will be provided by Parent Square (phone and text) on Friday, August 18th.
  • 6:00 pm TK/K BBQ
    Join the other new students and their families in the Amphitheater for music and BBQ.