To All Parents & Guardians:
We are excited to announce our SES Summer School 2024 program with a focus on math and reading support! Applications are open to everyone; priority will be given to students with academic needs.
- The program will take place Monday, 7/22 – Friday, 8/09.
- A no-cost breakfast and lunch will be provided.
- Tentative Summer School Schedule:
- 7:45am: Arrival/Breakfast
- 8:05 – 11:55: Instructional time
- 11:55: End of day/dismissal (Pick-up if not staying for lunch)
- 11:55-12:10pm lunch (optional) END OF DAY
- We are hoping to offer transportation for the Summer School Program and will send that information out as we have it. Please indicate interest in transportation on the application.
- You will be notified of registration as soon as possible.
Please complete one application PER CHILD and submit right away.

Kristie Quinn, Summer School Principal
Please keep these guidelines in mind:
- The Summer School program will operate out of the Main Office.
- Office Hours: 7:45am – 12:10pm
- All communication for the program will occur via Parent Square, as it does for the regular school year. Please be sure to have your email and phone number updated with our Main Office.
- Student placement and room assignment will be sent out via Parent Square by 7/19/24
- Students may not be dropped off before 7:45am & must be picked up by 12:10pm, as there is no supervision before 7:45am or after 12:10pm.
- All SES Handbook rules and expectations apply and any disciplinary infraction will cause a drop from the program.
- Absences must be called into the Main Office no later than 10am on the day of attendance. 209.532.3159
- A second unexcused absence/tardy will cause a drop from the program.
- More than 2 late pick-ups (after 12:10pm) &/or early drop-offs (before 7:45) will equate to a drop in course.
- Any disciplinary infraction in the Summer School program will cause a drop in the program; no exceptions. Please communicate this with your child.
- Emergency Contacts will be used via the SES Aeries system.