Please join us for the second in our series of Parent/Guardian Night events. This time our focus is on nutrition and healthy choices, and we will explore how small changes in the right direction can improve focus, behavior and happiness for yourself, your students, and your family. Presentation will include modeling and discussion as well as concrete tips for implementing these skills into your daily life.
This event is for parents and guardians (adults only). FREE Dinner and childcare are provided as part of the event.
Featuring Presentation by:
Katherine Kellogg
Health Coach, Retired High School Teacher, and Instructor at Columbia College
- 5:00 – 5:30 : DINNER IS INCLUDED – It’s Soup and Salad Night, courtesy of our very own SES Kitchen
- 5:30 – 7:00 : Presentation, Modeling and Discussion
Childcare is provided for children ages 4 and up.
If you have any questions, please reach out to:
Kristie Quinn, Associate Principal:
RSVP HERE by Tuesday, 2/22 OR use the QR code below.